03/9/23 L 7:00 pm

It all started with tiktok 5 anonymous accounts pretending to be our teachers Ok I’m not gonna write like that This morning, all the teachers found out I got interviewed first for some reason I didn’t make any of the accounts I did follow them MY TEACHER FOUND MY TIKTOK ACCOUNT OH MY GOD ITS SO EMBARRASSING Anyways then I went to French and the talk was he was talking to the principal, then all new talk happened when he took out the two people who made the accounts, and all the other people who were following it. Then at lunch, one of the people who made one of the accounts told the principal she did it, because the principal came and gave us a talk about how she will get the police and the IT involved if nobody fesses up. Anyways, the people who made two accounts kept saying they didn’t make the accounts (this was still at lunch), one of the accounts was deleted. last peroid, we had gym, before we went to gym our teacher told us that they know who made the account impersonating him. When we were walking down to gym the principal took one of my friends, she came back, I asked her what happened and the principal yelled at her “SHUT UP!” So so so so SO loud. Then they went back to the office, and after a while we (the boys on my class) and I were all giggling like little girls, they took out another one of my friends, the one who said she made an account, we haven’t seen them since But another friend of mine was in the office and she was crying I probably missed a lot of things but that’s it basically.
03/4/23 L 1:58 pm

This week my 2 least favourate people joined theatre, this girl i was friends with but was rly rly cringe and a poser mcr fan, and this pick me girl whos also a teachers pet, first the poser didnt auditon for the musical but they let her be a dancer anyways, then the teachers pet girl is part of stage crew, idk what part but im praying shes doing props and not costumes or stage tech because if she does costumes i'll have to see her and if she does stage tech i'll have to see her not only every rehersal but on show night too, and on show night i'll have to SIT WITH HER FOR 3 WHOLE SCENES. I'm sure shes doing props though because she claims to be an artist. My preppy friends have like a rly rly good socital life bcz their parents r active in all these greek events and their parents r also extroverts, unlike my parents who never get involved with greek events (we are greek) and their introverts, Anyways there was this partty they went to last night and my kind of cousin (my moms friend/my dads god sisters daughter) whos in high school also knew about it and also wanted to go, but we didnt bcz the tickets were sold out, so theres one April 7th that we're gonna go to.... i'm finally not a looser!!!! (still am but ya know)
02/28/23 L 10:48pm

2day i thought i was in scene 4 of the musical but i wasnt, im in scene 5 so i sat there for 40 minutes waiting for my scene and it never came, im so emberessed. also famous birthdays doesnt have kitty from MSI listed as an MSI member, she doesnt eve have a profile on the website :(
02/25/23 L 11:25pm

i wonder if in the musical my schools doing (that im apart of) is going to rent costumes or if we have them, are they gonna make ajustments to fit the person? also i have theatre on monday and thursday i gotta remember, thursdays gonna be stressfull because we're going through the whole show, our shows in june an i cannot wait im so excited, i'm going to audtion for a musical in the summer too.